Sulphur WDG 80% Manufacturer

We are supplying Sulphur WDG 80% with highest suspensibility and we believe that our manufactured product will always give better result to all the users even in drip irrigation.


Sr No. Test Specification Result
1 Description Light Brown Free Flowing Granules Complies
2 % A.I Sulphur Cont. (Percent by Mass) 80% Min 80.12%
3 % Suspensibility 80% Min 81.21%
4 Wetablity (Second) 30 Sec. Max 10 Sec.
5 PH ( 1% Aq. Solution) 7 to 8 7.25
6 Set Sieve (Pass thr. BSS 45 Micron) 99% 99.70%
7 % Moisture 2% Max 1.10%
8 Bulk Density (Before Compacting) 0.800 to 0.900 gm/ml 87.4 gm/ml